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Disaster Data Recovery Services

Real-Time Solutions to International Banking & Financial Institution Clients

Core Banking Software | Financial Services Solutions | Real-Time Banking Solutions | Internet and Mobile Banking

Disaster Data Recovery

We cannot predict when a disaster will strike, but we can build a business disaster recovery plan that will restore data and critical applications in the event your systems are destroyed in the event of a catastrophic event. Losing all or some of your data could halt your operations, so data protection is paramount. Having an offsite mechanism to protect your data and potentially run your operations while your business recovers and returns to a confident level of normalcy will provide the peace of mind your business needs.

You need to know how long you can wait to get back to full operation before the pain starts. You also must weigh that delay against the costs of planning and execution. Fortunately, Highgate Systems offers professional consultation to help with contingency planning, and support your business while you focus on returning to normal operations. We can address all concerns in a cost-effective and compliant manner. Highgate Systems is here to help.

Reach out to us at to book some time with one of our team members.
